The Pescatarian Perspective

The Pescatarian (pesce  diet is slightly similar in some aspects to the Jewish Kashrut in that they, generally, believe meat and fish to be different, and poultry is considered meat.  There are some within the Pescatarian ideology that believe fish to be meat, but they eat it because it is believed to be healthy as opposed to red meat.  Pescatarianism should not be confused with Vegetarianism.  Often people consider Pescatarianism to be a subsystem of Vegetarianism, but many would refute this as Vegetarians don't eat any meat, which includes fish.

The Pescatarian ideology generally exists more for health reason rather than moral ideologies, but obviously there are some that do it on moral grounds.  In some instances, Pescatarianism is used as a stepping stone to get from a standard red meat diet, over to a Vegetarian diet.  Generally, there are two schools of thought within the Pescatarian movement: Those that believe fish is not meat, because it is healthier and lacks many of the health deficiencies that are attributed to red meat; and those that believe fish is meat, but eat it because it is healthy and they don't eat red meat because they believe it to be unhealthy.

In short, some Pescatarians believe that Fish is meat, but healthy and worth eating, while others in the sect believe that due to the healthful qualities, fish is now meat, but considered to be apart of its own category.

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